Happy You Day

Happy You Day!


I laid flat on the floor with my arms and legs stretched out for about thirty minutes without moving.  Lying there totally exhausted and thanking God I’d gotten my last order out the door. Each year, it was a total madhouse and I was just glad the day was over.

That day was Valentine’s Day and over the years of owning a party supply and balloon decorating company, this day was hands down the most challenging.  We spent hours prepping, making centerpieces and special orders, inflating thousands of balloons and designing unique gift baskets. Making deliveries in the cold and snow of Chicago winters guaranteed there would be a few disasters.

As I laid on the floor that day, I thought, “All in the name of Love.” Most was real love, but many were hopeful and often lonely people who wanted to feel love. Overall, I was grateful that I was able to bring a smile to so many people during does years.

I’ve since moved on to other professions, but I now have a different prospective about Valentine’s Day.  I love that it’s a day that gives honor to love, but I recognize its another holiday that brings loneliness and sadness to so many others. 

If you are in a marriage or relationship, Valentine’s Day makes sense. If you are not in a relationship or have people to share with, there is really no need to acknowledge or celebrate a day that has no benefit to your current situation. Also, recognizing more serious situations such as loss of a loved one, divorce and separations due to military service, jobs or illness can cause intense feelings of depression. There are other ways that may be helpful to cope with the loneliness this day may bring about. Choose to spend the day

not focused on what someone does for you, but what you do for yourself. Some suggestions include.

  • Make someone else happy. Consider ways you can bring a smile to others including the elderly, children, domestic violence victims, sick and shut-in. Volunteering will also provide you with a sense of gratitude for those you do have in your life.

  • Host a family and friends get together. You will be surprised at the people who would rather not go out to restaurants for dinner.  The theme does not have to be Valentine’s Day. It can be Love Your Family Day, or the new theme is Galentine's Day with girlfriends. Ask everyone to bring a dish or beverage, decorate and fill the room with love.

  • Make plans to start or finish a project you have wanted to do for a long time.

  • Do something you may not ordinarily do such as book a glamour photo session, get a complete make-over or organize a paint party to stimulate your creativity.

  • Don’t look at old pictures, love movies and songs that bring memories of past loved ones to make you feel sad. Watch funny movies or read inspirational books.

Most of all, don’t allow one day to invade your Joy. Have a Happy You Day!



Love Your Body